Wizard Form

Create multi-step forms

Create sequential and multiple steps using wizard form for onboarding flows, where the user needs to enter a set of information to get started.

Wizard Form

Create Sequential and Multiple Steps with Wizard Form

Enter a set of information to get started in an application.

wizard forms leave note
multi-step forms

Multi-step Forms

Capture the leads through multi-step form creation. Convert audience into customers by collecting the information such as email and name at the backend.



Make your own step-by-step form do exactly what you need with our advanced form wizard and embed it in your website. and collect qualitative information from your target audience.

advanced class

Advanced Class

Enter the CSS classes and edit the field you want to target with CSS and change the color and fonts, add CSS code, and other design components as desired.

What Is Wizard Form?

The Data Form Wizard is a flexible tool that lets you design multiple forms that run a single query. The queries might be connected to a single database table or a query that involves many tables. Form Wizard allows you to design forms that display the query results one record at a time or in a grid.

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