
Best Form Builder

Create forms online to automate workflows using drag-and-drop form builder, which has amazing form templates, and collect payments by using popular payment processing software.

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All You Need to Create Engaging Forms

  • Drag and drop editor to build visually pleasing forms.

  • No coding experience needed to create forms.

  • Customizable and built-in templates to beautify your forms.

  • Form response management for better decision making.

best form builder

Drag and Drop

Use a convenient drag and drop builder to build extensive forms effortlessly with no coding experience.

drag and drop
html embed

HTML Embed

Use the embed code of forms and place it wherever as needed.

editable components

Editable Components

Use fields in your forms with an ease by adding required editable components.

advanced ui

Advanced UI

Make a creative & vibrant form with our advanced designer tool.

add media

Add Media

Add images and videos with the help of required fields and make your form more visually appealing.

add grids

Add Grids

Add sections in your forms to explain your products and services to help your customers make informed decisions.

Find out more about Drag and Drop

Form Templates

Create forms using built-in templates and get work done faster. Add or remove fields the way you want and publish forms at the speed of light.

form templates
survey forms

Survey Forms

Customers, employees, or research participants can all provide essential feedback through online surveys.

banking forms

Banking Forms

Bank forms streamline the approval process and makes payments more convenient and secure.

application forms

Application Forms

Application forms make it easy to compare applicants, understand candidates on a deeper level, and conduct background checks.

hr forms

HR Forms

HR forms serve as written documentation of discussions and agreements between a company and an employee regarding promotions or pay increases.

customer support forms

Customer Support Forms

Identify what your organization needs to improve in order to keep customers loyal and attract new ones with customer support forms.

Find out more about Form Templates

Wizard Form

Create multi step forms to simplify complex forms by sectioning them out onto multiple pages. Fields can be easily dragged and dropped between pages for quick editing at any time!

wizard form
multi-step forms

Multi-step Forms

Create multi-step form with advanced form wizard and capture the leads through multi-step form creation.



Include labels as well as a brief explanation of the goal. User can go back and see clear action buttons.

advanced class

Advanced Class

Make your online forms look exactly how you want them with advanced class designer make it even more interactive.

Find out more about Wizard Form

Form Themes

Design your form theme from scratch and customize it to your brand standards by adding the brand logo, changing background images, opacity, fonts and color schema, etc.

form themes
advanced designer

Advanced Designer

Use advanced designer to deepen the appearance of your form with form layout, form cover, label styles, line layout and more.

advanced css

Advanced CSS

Add your own CSS code to customize the style of your business form to better fit your website with advanced CSS.



Customize the look of your business form with advanced themes & CSS features.

Find out more about Form Themes

File Uploads

Use the File Upload feature to collect documents, resumes, videos, photos, etc, through forms simply without having coding or tech experience.

file uploads
attach documents

Attach Documents

Provide users with the option to attach documents and images of different formats to the form.

video recording

Video Recording

Allows users to record and submit videos for any specific purpose and get the responses in the application.

voice recording

Voice Recording

Provide users with the option to record and submit voice messages for any particular purpose and receive responses.

signature upload

Signature Upload

Provide a signature field on the forms for users to provide custom signatures

Find out more about File Uploads

Collect Signature

Add signature fields to your documents using our simple drag-and-drop functionality. Just choose signature component and drag them over to your document.

collect signature
drag-and-drop signature

Drag-and-drop Signature

Use drag-and-drop functionality and choose the component and drag them over to your document.



Easily build online form or use one of our templates. Simply drag-and-drop the signature field onto your form and customize the signature field.



Collect information and signatures from the customers secure all the information collection and get rid of paper once and for all.

Find out more about Collect Signature

Embed Forms

Design your form and get the form's source code to copy and add its script to HTML pages. Save and publish it on any web page.

embed forms
embed with source code

Embed with Source Code

Get the source code of your form by creating the unique online forms and use the HTML code to publish the page anywhere.

share the script

Share the Script

Share the script via email and copy the script then add it your html code and publish the page.

google tag manager

Google Tag Manager

Create a new tag using our template in the google tag manager and allow the user to add marketing tags into your website does not require any coding.

Find out more about Embed Forms

Form Responses

Manage all responses efficiently by receiving them in one place and analyzing them together for data-driven decision-making.

form responses
manage responses

Manage Responses

Receive all form responses at one place so that it's easier for you to manage and analyze them.

filter responses

Filter Responses

Filter your responses easily by selecting email, embed and more to access any immediate information.

export form responses

Export Form Responses

Make it simple to manage your data by allowing you to export your form responses at one place.

Find out more about Form Responses

Contact Management

Obtain contact details of users who have submitted responses along with details of the form.

contact management
contacts list

Contacts List

Compile contact information as well as form details for users who have submitted responses.

filter contacts

Filter Contacts

Sort the contacts based on the type of form and other information to find the user responses.

export to crm

Export to CRM

Manage all of your users' contact information in one place by integrating with top CRM software.

Find out more about Contact Management

CRM Integration

Just integrate your contact form with one of the CRM platform to sync submissions to your sales pipeline.

crm integration
integrate with your crm

Integrate with your CRM

Just integrate your contact or lead gen form with one of the CRM platforms below to sync submissions to your sales pipeline. you’ll spend less time entering data manually and more time closing the next big deal for your company.

single click integration

Single Click Integration

Easily connect to your CRM platform with a single click by using the API key. Effortlessly manage leads and Improve your customer experience.

in-built crm tool

In-Built CRM Tool

Integrate with In-built and build lasting relationships with customers by managing all of them in one place.

Find out more about CRM Integration

Payment Forms

Choose your payment processing software from the form integration options. Share your form and start collecting payments from the customers thus making sure the transaction data is safe and secured.

payment forms
stripe integration

Stripe Integration

Create a structure for your payments using, then add your goods and services to the forms.

accept payments

Accept Payments

Share your form and start collecting payments from the customers with secure forms using payment processing software.



Make it easy to collect the payments from the cutomers by choosing the multiple payment processors.

real-time notifications

Real-Time Notifications

Get a notification from the customers as soon as someone completes your payment form.

Find out more about Payment Forms

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